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Lidar Georeferencing Software -- MNMLP
Mad Nadir Mapping Lidar Processor (MNMLP) is a complete lidar georeferencing software solution offered to the lidar mapping community at a low-cost. The software can be custom built for the needs of individual clients -- So don't hesitate to contact us via email for ways we can help or for a software trial. Click here for sample data outputs. This page is for custom lidar processing solutions. Each purchase of an MNMLS includes its own version of the MNMLP processor!
What does MNMLP do??
At its core, the MNMLP software solution takes timestamped raw lidar data along with coincident attitude and location data to georeference your point clouds into a real-world coordinate system. Different "tiers" and add-ons of the MNMLP software will allow the utilization of different post-processing techniques (e.g. Point cloud colorization, strip alignment, point cloud thinning, etc.)
Cost of the MNMLP software is for a perpetual (lifetime) license and includes free upgrades for a full year from the install date. There are different license "tiers" available that include different functionalities for the user and come at different costs. There are also add-on packages that include different post-processing tools that can be purchased.
Tier 1a: Lidar georeferencing only (without PPK) -- Lowest cost
Tier 1b: Lidar georeferencing only (with PPK)
Tier 2a: Lidar georeferencing and strip alignment (without PPK)
Tier 2b: Lidar georeferencing and strip alignment (with PPK) -- Higher cost
Add-ons: Point cloud thinning, point cloud colorization, point cloud reprojection, etc.
Main Data Inputs
Timestamped raw lidar data
Timestamped attitude data (roll, pitch, yaw)
Timestamped location data (latitude, longitude, elevation)​ or raw UAV GNSS data
System offsets (e.g. Lidar to INS, Lidar to GNSS)
Tertiary Data Inputs
Base station raw GNSS data
Georeferenced orthophoto for point cloud colorization
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